Monday, September 8, 2008

Another day...another 13 miles

Today we walked from Puente la Reina to Estella. It was 22.4 KM. I think we walked for around 6 hours today. In the scheme of our days, today was a short one (YAH!!). I would just like to say, I just don´t like walking downhill. Its pretty unpleasant and I am not cordinated enough. Kirstin is like a little mountain goat going downhill. We balance each other out pretty well because I am much better at going uphill. I am not sure what it is, but I can go uphill pretty quickly. We had a few ups and downs along the way but today can mostly be described as dusty. My pink socks were a nice shade of brown by the time we made it to Estella (they are back to pink and hanging on a clothesline as we speak).

Each day gets a little bit easier on my body. Today my feet handled the walking a bit better. I was worried the first few days they would stage a revolution and fall off from being so tired. The rest of my body is hanging in there too. My hips hurt. Between Kirstin´s knees and my hips, we are sort of an old lady package. After we are done walking for the day, the best way to describe the way I walk is like a duck. Everything is stiff and sore so my legs don´t really bend.

Oh! Today we saw this really cool thing. We saw a guy with a herd of sheep letting them graze in this field. The herd looked like it was over 500 sheep. They were so cute!!! They all had on little bells and the wind was blowing so it was like this gentle chorus of bells. They looked like this stuffed lamb I used to have when I was little.

I think the people on the Camino are making this experience. We have met some of the most interstesting and fun people. In a little bit, we are going to make dinner with a guy from Vermont and this girl from Denmark. Its like a little family along the way. Even if we don´t speak the same language everyone still smiles at each other and is very nice to one another.

I also am pretty embarrassed by my lack of Spanish speaking skills after 4 years of Spanish classes.

Mom - The Spanish Rosetta Stone set is on my christmas list. Neal sent me a very Republican update on how things are to give me your Democratic version??

I will let you all know how the wine fountain works out. And thank you Bons for the alchohol kills all germs. Its one of my favorite theories.


Betty said...

watch that old lady package. Between the two of you, you sound like me. Molly is doing fine at "Camp Grandma" doesn't even mind the shots. Take care, Honey I love you.

Unknown said... careful going downhill. Don't fall on your face like that guy :( And I think it's cute you have pink socks.

Alisha said...

Ohh... I can just see the sheep with the bells and hear the sound they make! It must have been beautiful, a trip back through time almost! You are having quite the adventure! I don't think I have walked 13 miles since the Diabetes walk we went to for my cousin when I was 17! It is so cool that you all are experiencing the trip together! Even if you don't speak the same language it is something none of the people there will forget!