Saturday, September 20, 2008

Days that we don't celebrate me seem to be much longer

Last night was such a beautiful night. We had about 20 or so people in the back garden of this albergue, eating and drinking and just enjoying being there. They even got me a birthday cake and everyone sang me happy birthday. It was another guy's birthday and so we each took turns blowing the candles out on the cake. The entire evening was just perfect. I was telling my dad this on the phone but a year ago, I didn't even know about the camino and would not have imagined that my next birthday would be spent in Fromista, Spain.

Today came early of course and after about an hour, my right foot was killing me. The best way to describe it is that my bones hurt. Each step felt horrible but it wasn't too much that I could keep walking. I forgot to bring my guide book down so I am really not sure where i am right now.... but if my mom and dad want to comment, we did day 17 in the guide book today so they will know where I am!

After lunch today, I was walking a bit slower than the rest of the girls Kirstin and I were walking with and so I was by myself. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself because my foot hurt and it was hot and I was just all around uncomfortable. Along came this really nice older man from Ireland who works as a lawyer in Dublin. He had and I talked for over an hour as we walked and it was honestly just what I needed. It was like the Camino gave me a wonderful distraction as I walked...okay limped along.

He talked to me about why he decided to do the camino and then also we talked about what it was like to be a lawyer and different kinds of law I could practice. He had so much information and was telling me some of the greatest ideas of programs I should look into and kinds of law that he thought I might like. He even told me I could drop his name at the Gates Foundation(one of the programs involved doing public interest law through the Gates) becuase he has done some work with them. He came a long at such a perfect time when I was really unhappy and he just picked me up and made me feel much better.

OH! Last night we saw one of the women who stayed at San Bol (the place we were kicked out of a few days ago). As it turns out...only 4 people slept there that night! There was enough room for the 5 of us. We would have had hours and hours of stories had we stayed there all night but she has really provided us with lots of laughs so its hard to be too upset.


Betty said...

Hi Jen,

I tryed to send you a comment for your birthday yesterday, but for some reason the blog sight forgot who I was. But I still wished you a Happy Birthday anyway.

I hope your foot is much better today. There is nothing worse than walking with a bad foot. But just think, if you had not hurt your fkoot you may never have met that nice lawyer from Irland, and gotten some insight on the law.

Well, Sweetheart, take care and have fun.

Love you, Grandma

Unknown said...

Hey Jen-

I caught up on your blog tonight. Great stories and accounts of your realizations. Having followed AriZona's Camino's from afar, I recognize the joys and frustrations that make the Camino a life affirming experience. Thanks for sharing. You are a powerful woman (and a good storyteller).


Unknown said...

Hi Jenny! Look at you, networking all the way on the other side of the world. That's great! I guess you never really know where you'll meet new and interesting people.